Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Freedom Party Initiative

Come one Come All!

The Freedom Party is a new organization that seeks to unify all Americans in an attempt to break up the two party dictatorship that we have lived under in America for over a 150 years. It is not just another party. It's a Party Against Parties. By joining the Freedom Party and taking the pledge you are simply reclaiming your independence by stating that you no longer trust representative government and that you believe that ALL Americans deserve the right to have a voice.


freedom party said...

Everyone feel Free to comment. You can speak your mind freely here.

Faded said...

Sign me up!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I'm in. I'm trying to get some ideas to promote the 50-20 Plan. I have a contest video up on ChannelMikeG. I recently listened to your talk about YouTube and I'd like to help build something along the lines of the ideas you've proposed. The working title I have is Centurions of the Gravelian Rebellion.

I'm with you. I feel we could have a greater impact if we had greater organization, but I am not completely sure about the best way to go about yet. It's really hard to get people on board at the start. The lack of response can a bit frustrating at times.

old hack said...

after people see what we can do and what we're about people will join. "build it and they will come"

Unknown said...

We're gonna do a comment filibuster on the new Gravel video tonight. We did a test run on the Projustice video. This could be fun.